Trieste: when corruptions become a strategic risk

Analysis by Paolo G. Parovel, English version by Silvia Verdoljak. Il Corriere di Trieste 11/12/2024

Trieste, 11 December 2024 – With a writ of appeal that also seeks the cases’ referral to the European Court of Justice, the Agency I.P.R. F.T.T. – International Provisional Representative of the Free Territory of Trieste impugned before the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation, requesting also a mandatory, preliminary ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union, a judgment with a panel of the Trieste Court of Appeal refused to assess and enforce Italian upper-ranking laws in force that establish the Italian Republic and the Italian Government’s obligations regarding the international Free Port of Trieste. The subject has strategic relevance, and the lawsuit is supported by 238 citizens, residents, and enterprises from Trieste and other States.

The writ of appeal versus that judgment, lodged on 8 November, was notified on 19 October to all the defendants: the Italian Government, two of its Ministries (Infrastructure and Transport, Economy and Finance) its State Property Agency, two of its officers in Trieste (Commissioner of the Government and Prefect) three local authorities (Region Friuli Venezia Giulia, Municipality of Trieste, Port Authority) and a regional bank involved in the dispute (Banca di Cividale).

The main reasons for the impugnation are the omission of a decision on decisive facts and the complete breach of the fundamental provisions of law of the Italian Constitutional framework, of European Union law, and of the Rules-Based International Order that grant the right of every individual that judges fairly examine their cases and adjudicate their civil rights and obligations independently and impartially.

The violation of laws, international obligations, and the rights of all States.

The lawsuit regards the actions of bodies and officers of the Italian administration of Trieste, which are committing severe violations of the laws with which the Italian Republic and the Italian Government recognize their obligations towards Trieste and its international Free Port in compliance with the 1947 Treaty of Peace with Italy, with a 1954 Memorandum of Understanding, and with a coherent and univocal corpus juris. (LINK).

Indeed, it is binding instruments in force within the UN framework, which are fully enforced in the Italian legal order with a pre-constitutional and Constitutional rank superior to that of any other Italian law in force, they are recognized by the European Union, and have been confirmed by the Italian Parliament and by the Italian Government with recent measures regarding the management of the international Free Port of Trieste (2017) and customs (2024).

The violations manifestly committed by bodies and officers of the same Government that are in charge of the Italian administration of Trieste may therefore be interpreted as a double game of the Italian Government involving the respect of those international obligations.

The same violations may also be interpreted as a particularly severe example of the corruption of that administration’s public bodies, including sectors of the judiciary, in the terms and for the facts that we have already detailed and documented in our latest investigation-complaint (LINK).

That so far this situation has been favored or tolerated by Italian left-wing, center, and right-wing parties and Governments does also reveal that it is organized “across the board” by powers that illegally interfere with the functions of Constitutional bodies and public authorities of the Italian State.

However, it would be a mistake to consider this as merely an internal case of corruption of the Italian constitutional democracy.

That is not what it is, because the violations in question regard the management of the international Free Port of Trieste and the rights of all States over it, and are being committed by a State that belongs to the United Nations, the European Union, and NATO.

Strategic relevance of those violations.

It is evident that the problem has strategic relevance, because the management of the international Free Port of Trieste, be it fair or unfair, can influence international trade with the States of Central-Eastern Europe, and therefore their economic and political balances.

Indeed, the international Free Port of Trieste is a special economic instrument established by the United Nations after World War II to support impartially the balanced development of trades across the Mediterranean, Suez, Gibraltar, and the States of Central-Eastern Europe.

To do so, the regime of the international Free Port of Trieste allows the loading, discharging, trade, and manufacturing of freight from all States, without taxes, and enjoying unrestricted freedom of transit through the terrestrial and maritime borders of other States.

Furthermore, the extraordinary legal and economic advantages of the international Free Port of Trieste are not subject to prohibitions or limitations by the European Union, which, ever since 1958 recognizes them in force, upper-ranking, and binding even within Community law.

The provisions of the Treaty of Peace grant the balanced management of those advantages with a specific International Commission and forbidding the establishment of special zones under the exclusive jurisdiction of any State within the international Free Port of Trieste.

The effective operativeness of the international Free Port of Trieste is further ensured by two wide permanent free zones (the Northern Free Port, also “old port” and the Southern Free Port, also “new port”) which can be increased, cannot be reduced, and have their own interconnected railways, which also connect to European railroads.

The strategic role of the international Free Port of Trieste towards Central-Eastern Europe has remained underused from 1947 to the end of the cold war (1991) and of the Yugoslav wars (1991-2001). However, starting in 2014, its strategic function has become essential for the development of the Three Seas Initiative (Baltic, Adriatic, and the Black Sea) supported by the US and reinforced by the climate forecast on the accessibility of the Arctic Route to the Pacific.

The Three Seas Initiative is one of the two fundamental, parallel initiatives for peace that the US promoted in Europe and in the Middle East, where they promoted the Abraham Accords (LINK). Both initiatives are ongoing, despite being slowed down, one with the war along the Russian-Ukrainian border, and the other with the war triggered by Hamas terrorists against Israel.

The purpose of the Three Seas Initiative is promoting the stabilization and independence of Central-Eastern Europe with the comprehensive economic and political consolidation of its people and States within the frameworks of the European Union and of the Atlantic Alliance.

Indeed, the problem of Central-Eastern Europe’s instability has remained unresolved since 1918, when the sovranational Habsbourg Monarchy (which included Trieste) was fragmented into weak national States, which from 1939 to 1945 ended up influenced and then overwhelmed by the genocidal Nazi Germany and its allies (including Italy) and then ultimately occupied by the Soviet Union until 1989-1990, with the only exceptions of Austria and Yugoslavia.

However, the violent dissolution of Yugoslavia between 1991 and 2001 has left relevant hotbeds of political-military and economic instability on the Adriatic side of the Western Balkans.

Even the successive, gradual integration of those States within the European Union proved insufficient to strengthen their economic and political defenses from the prevailing interests of the strong Central and Western European States (Germany, Italy, France, Spain) from the aggressive penetration, direct and indirect, of Communist China against the US.

As for the Western Balkans, the possibility to favor their political and economic stabilization using, with new agreements, the provisions of the 1947 Treaty of Peace with Italy regarding the international Free Port of Trieste was not activated.

Indeed, those provisions can be enforced to open new free zones of the international Free Port of Trieste in the strategic ports of Slovenia (Koper) and of Croatia (Rijeka and Ploče, which serves Bosnia-Herzegovina).

And it is in this strategic framework that the bodies and officers of the Italian administration of Trieste openly refuse to enforce the legal obligations of the Italian State and of the Italian Government on the management of the international Free Port of Trieste, and outright violate them, favoring the competition of Italian ports, the interests and operations of Communist China in Europe, and economic agreements with the dictatorships of Iran and Venezuela.

It results that all the agreements on the matter concluded or attempted between bodies and officers of the Italian administration and enterprises of these three States, or controlled by them, go against the legal obligations of the Italian State and of the Italian Government on the management of the international Free Port of Trieste.

In consideration of this, it is evident that to defend and develop the Euro-Atlantic strategic balances of Central-Eastern Europe it is necessary re-establishing the correct management of the international Free Port of Trieste, ending the violations of the relevant obligations of the Italian State and of its Government as soon as possible.

The instruments to settle the dispute.

The fastest and most effective remedies to the problem belong to the field of international political and diplomatic relations, and in particular to the relations of Italy with the United States, as it has already happened when the Italian oppositions to Slovenia’s EU accession were unlocked after the 12 June 1996 Clinton-Prodi meeting.

The Department of State preserves memory of that operation, which was planned by the Bush Sr. and Clinton Administrations, because Italian claims against Slovenia and Croatia were coordinated with others aiming to destabilize Central-Eastern Europe, from the Baltic to the Balkans.

Still, now as then, the Italian Government does not only have the duty to comply with its international obligations, but also the Constitutional authority it needs to force its bodies and officers in charge of administering Trieste to comply with the law, and to substitute them if deemed necessary.

The Treaty of Peace with Italy in force does also assign the protection of the rights and obligations regarding Trieste and its international Free Port to the UN Security Council, and, on its behalf, to the Governments of the US and the UK, which for this purpose have received a special trusteeship mandate, which in 1954 they have sub-entrusted to the responsibility of the Italian Government (not to the Italian State) for matters relating to civilian administration, and to NATO for the purposes of military defense.

The direct legal defense of the international Free Port of Trieste does instead require a choice among the instruments for the settlement of disputes provided by the Italian, European, and international legal order.

Choosing among legal instruments.

The violations of law committed in the management of the international Free Port by bodies and officers of the Italian administration regard international obligations and the rights of all States over it.

The pertinent legal instruments that can be invoked to obtain compliance with those international obligations and rights do therefore include both the appropriate arbitration procedures included in the 1947 Treaty of Peace with Italy, and appeals before the competent international and EU Courts.

However, since the violations in question are being committed by bodies and officers of the Italian Republic, and as such are subject to the Italian legal order, which establishes the independence of the judiciary from any other power as well as binding judges to know and enforce the law impartially, in adherence to the hierarchy of the sources of law.

Indeed, Italian judges cannot derogate from their obligations when it comes to demonstrating domestic laws regarding the Italian State and the Italian Government’s international obligations, not even for breaches of law that are committed by public officers or political authorities.

Because of this, the simplest legal defense is addressing the Constitutionally enshrined competences of Italian judges to know and enforce the upper-ranking provisions of the Italian legal order in force, impartially and independently from any political authority, even when it comes to this subject, and to declare the legal unenforceability and inapplicability of the acts and measures that go against them.

This means that addressing international or EU Courts would only be necessary if all Italian judges addressed seeking the impartial demonstration and enforcement of the relevant upper-ranking Italian laws in force, and to put an end to their violation, refused to do so.

The Italian judges’ complete denial of justice.

The idea that all Italian judges seized with the matter refuse to decide about it may sound absurd, because it would constitute a complete denial of justice, which as such would constitute a breach of rights and fundamental principles recognized by the Italian, EU, and international legal order.

However, this absurd possibility has been occurring since 2018 (for six years) before all three instances of Italian civil Courts.

Indeed, from 2017 to 2019, the I.P.R. F.T.T., with the support of hundreds of citizens, residents, and enterprises from Trieste and other States, initiated three civil lawsuits before the Court of Trieste, requesting Italian judges to assess and enforce the Italian laws in force on the matter.

The first (LINK) and the second lawsuit (LINK) dispute violations of Trieste’s rights on taxation and budgets (since 1947, Trieste is also exempted from the payment of the Italian public debt), while the third lawsuit challenges violations of the obligations and rights regarding the international Free Port. The three lawsuits are all perfectly grounded and documented in fact and law.

However, facing the evidence of the objective legal fact that upper-ranking laws in force within the Italian legal order fully confirm the international obligations that are being violated by bodies and officers of the Italian administration of Trieste, so far all judges seized with demonstrating and enforcing those laws have refused to do so (falsely) claiming that they cannot put into question decisions made by political authorities.

This is why all of them, in agreement, declared that on this subject there is an absolute lack of jurisdiction of any Italian Court. However, if this were true, it would mean that the Italian legal order is dictatorial because it would not protect individuals and enterprises from abuses committed by State authorities.

Furthermore, since it is impossible to find a legal base for a judge’s denial to demonstrate and enforce the law, those judges have instead invoked previous decisions to support their denial. This, however, constitutes a radical violation of the Italian civil law system, which relies on the application of the law and doesn’t regard judgments as sources of law (unlike the Anglo-Saxon common law systems).

The evident lack of foundation of those declarations of absolute lack of jurisdiction does therefore add to the violations of international obligations and of rights committed by the other bodies and officers of the Italian administration of Trieste, also the total denial of justice committed by the judiciary of the same Administration, despite its obligation to safeguard the law.

The lawsuit about the international Free Port.

The I.P.R. F.T.T. initiated the lawsuit about the international Free Port in 2019, facing the aggravation of two illegal operations with which bodies and officers of the Italian administration of Trieste have caused severe economic damages and strategic risks.

The first of these illegal operations is a massive public fraud, organized to dismember and sell off, directly or through third parties, the assets of the Northern Free Port of Trieste to any interested buyer, including funds and enterprises that either belong to or are controlled by Communist China (LINK).

The second illegal operation is the attempt to assign direct or indirect State-run enterprises of the Chinese Communist Party logistic control of the international Free Port (LINK).

Both illegal operations have also been preceded by the initiation of illegal preferential agreements regarding the international Free Port with sanctioned companies of Iran for freight traffic (LINK) and of Venezuela for the manufacturing of Coltan (LINK).

The first instance of judgment before the Court of Trieste lasted four years, during which the sole judge was changed three times, and in 2020 the sole judge refused to suspend the denounced illegal operations, while in 2023 she ruled against the demonstration of the laws in force, declaring the absolute lack of jurisdiction of any Italian Court on the subject.

The I.P.R. F.T.T. has therefore challenged that judgment before the Court of Appeal of Trieste. However, after one more year, the three judges of the appellate panel issued a ruling that is even more absurd, confirming the judgment of first instance, and therefore violating the fundamental principles of the Italian, EU, and international legal order as for the right to justice.

It is the principles established by the Italian Constitution, the EU Treaties, and the international legal order that protect the right of every person whose rights have been violated to an effective remedy before an independent and impartial tribunal, as well as the obligation of judges to fairly examine their cases and adjudicate their civil rights and obligations independently and impartially.

Other complicities of the judiciary.

When it comes to the Italian laws in force that recognize and implement legal obligations regarding Trieste and its international Free Port, the refusal of Italian Courts to demonstrate and enforce them results also in the continuation and factual consolidation of the violations committed by the other bodies of the Italian administration, therefore making also the civil branch of the judiciary an accomplice by either action or inaction.

The same complicities have been taking place since 2016 (so far for eight years), carried out always by some of the civil judges serving their duties in Trieste, in particular in the keeping the Land Registry Book, and specifically with the illegitimate assignation of the ownership of assets of the Northern Free Port in the name of the Municipality of Trieste, the registration of its contracts, and of its illegitimate sales to third parties, all in spite of the constant opposition of the I.P.R. F.T.T. with the appropriate legal actions, as already denounced in our investigations.

Our investigations have also documented and denounced that, at the same time, the offices of criminal justice and of the auditors serving in Trieste refused or failed to carry out investigations on the matter.

Indeed, ever since 2008, numerous criminal complaints have been lodged against those responsible of the aforementioned violations, two of which did even disappear after being lodged at the Prosecution Office, while the remaining ones were all filed without investigations; even appeals to the Court of Auditors for the losses to the public purse, despite the amounts lost being rather significant (LINK).

Finally, when it comes to administrative Courts in Trieste, the TAR FVG (Regional Administrative Court for Friuli Venezia Giulia) attempted to legitimize these violations of the Italian legal obligations over the international Free Port with a decision built entirely for that purpose with political falsifications of the relevant instruments of international law (LINK).

Essentially, it is perfectly documented how, with the aforementioned behaviors, the judicial bodies of the Italian administration of Trieste have been granting for 16 years (2008-2024) to the other bodies and officers of the same administration total impunity for an escalation of violations of both Italian laws and the international obligations regarding the international Free Port of Trieste and the rights of all States over it.

Powers across the board.

Italian judges, however, are career magistrates with a strong ethical and legal preparation, and they have the duty of granting impartially and independently from political authorities, the enforcement of laws in force. This means it is not credible that all of them refuse, by mistake or deliberately, to breach their obligations when it comes to laws regarding Trieste and its international Free Port.

Indeed, this abnormal behavior of the judiciary is only possible if the violations of law that they should prevent are organized and protected “across the board” by powers that can illegally influence for their own gain even the outcome of the decisions adopted by the judiciary, which should instead protect the law and remedy to the violation of rights.

When it comes to the obligations and rights over the international Free Port of Trieste, it is also evident that judgments obtained with such interferences have the purpose and the effect of allowing the undisturbed violations that favor, in particular, political interests of Italian parties, economic interests of competing Italian ports, and strategic interests of Communist China towards the States of Central-Eastern Europe.

Legal effects of the denial of justice.

Contrary to what people are led to believe, the unfavorable judgments of those civil, criminal, and administrative Italian Courts are not sources of law and cannot affect the international obligations of the Italian Republic and of the Italian Government regarding the administration of Trieste and of its international Free Port.

Indeed, no domestic judge can void or amend obligations and rights that are established with international legal instruments in force, signed and ratified by their State, and fully implemented in its domestic legal order with primacy over any other law in force.

The choice of Italian civil judges to declare the absolute lack of jurisdiction to not demonstrate and enforce the laws in force regarding the administration of Trieste and of its international Free Port may also paradoxically favor a positive settlement of the dispute.

Indeed, that choice is directly impugnable before the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation, with a mandatory petition for a preliminary ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union on the violation of the principles of the rule of law on matters of justice that are fundamental in both the Constitutional legal order of the Italian Republic and in the Treaties establishing the European Union.

The appeal to the Supreme Court of Cassation.

This is why the I.P.R .F.T.T. has taken care of denouncing this violation also in its appeal seeking the annulment of the judgment of second instance about the international Free Port of Trieste, which it notified to the defendants on October 19th and is pending before the Italian Court of Cassation since November 8th and includes a request for the referral of the case to the Court of Justice of the European Union for a preliminary ruling.

To ultimately clarify the matter, we are publishing (HERE) the part of the appeal detailing the grounds and requests.

The implications of an eventual denial.

Since the upholding of this appeal would logically overturn every judgment akin to the impugned one, we cannot rule out that the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation would rather reject it or rule it inadmissible, and find a way to avoid the mandatory referral for a preliminary ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union.

In each of these events, the resulting decision can be impugned before the Court of Justice of the European Union directly and before other international Courts, and it may also be used to invoke the arbitration procedures established by the 1947 Treaty of Peace with Italy, which is in force and fully ratified and enforced within the legal order of the Italian Republic and confirmed as binding by EU Treaties.

Furthermore, a negative decision of the Supreme Court would confirm to international observers that the violations of the obligations and rights over the international Free Port of Trieste are organized and protected by a system of corruption to influential that it can deactivate all of the Constitutional guarantees on law and justice within the legal order of the Italian Republic, and also become a risk for Euro-Atlantic strategic balances.

Supporting the lawsuits promoted by the I.P.R. F.T.T.

The I.P.R. F.T.T. – International Provisional Representative of the Free Territory of Trieste is an Agency for representation that acts upon delegation defending the legitimate interests of citizens, residents, enterprises, and organizations of the of the present-day Free Territory of Trieste under the Italian Government’s administration, and of other States before all institutional, diplomatic, and judicial authorities.

The legal foundations of the actions promoted by the I.P.R. F.T.T. are published, in both Italian and English, at the following link:  (ENG/IT).

The I.P.R. F.T.T. operates with the support of volunteers. The expenses associated with legal analysis and the lawsuits conducted by the I.P.R. F.T.T. for the application of Trieste’s tax regime and for the defense of the rights of all States and their businesses regarding the International Free Port of Trieste are covered by private donations from citizens, businesses, and organizations in Trieste and other States.

Anyone wishing to support the I.P.R. F.T.T.’s actions may make a donation via bank transfer using the following data:

bank transfers from Trieste or from Italy:

Beneficiary: IPR-FTT

IBAN: IT15B0307502200CC0010785087

Description: donation to support the lawsuits of the I.P.R. F.T.T.

additional data for international bank transfers (including from EU Member States):



Trieste: dossier d’indagine sulle richieste di fondi europei del Comune per la frode del “porto vecchio”.

Indagine di Paolo G. Parovel

Trieste, 5 ottobre 2024. – La Law Commission dell’Agenzia “International Provisional Representative of the Free Territory of Trieste – I.P.R. F.T.T.” ha deciso di desecretare, nel pubblico interesse, un proprio dossier d’indagine riservato, con allegati, per fare chiarezza sull’intera questione dei 112 milioni di euro di fondi europei del PNRR – Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza italiano che il Comune di Trieste ha chiesto per finanziare opere illegittime.

Sull’argomento vi è infatti una confusione generale tra i politici, nell’opinione pubblica e sui mass media, perché quasi nessuno l’ha studiato davvero, e questa situazione di sostanziale ignoranza dei fatti reali viene sfruttata per diffondere disinformazioni e pregiudizi che favoriscono i responsabili delle violazioni di legge travisando i fatti e nascondendone i retroscena peggiori.

Noi siamo invece convinti che la diffusione della verità sia un valore fondamentale della democrazia e del rispetto delle persone, perché la conoscenza dei fatti è la condizione primaria della vera libertà d’opinione e di coscienza.

La I.P.R. F.T.T. (LINK) è un’agenzia costituita del 2015 su iniziativa dell’Organizzazione politica non-elettorale Movimento Trieste Libera (LINK) per rappresentare e difendere in ogni sede istituzionale, diplomatica e giudiziaria i diritti e gli interessi legittimi di cittadini di diritto, di residenti, di imprese e di organizzazioni dell’attuale Free Territory of Trieste e di altri Stati.

Per assolvere a questi compiti, la I.P.R. F.T.T. svolge intense attività di iniziativa legale, studio, ricerca ed informazione pubblica e riservata. Esercita inoltre il ruolo di soggetto internazionale attivando iniziative e contenziosi legali nei confronti del Governo italiano amministratore, di suoi Ministeri, enti ed Agenzie, di organizzazioni internazionali, e di organi dell’Unione Europea.

Nel caso in esame il dossier d’indagine riservato del 10 maggio 2023 che la I.P.R. F.T.T. ha ora reso pubblico in lingua italiana sul suo sito internet serve a fare chiarezza altrimenti impossibile, perché è l’unica analisi reperibile che individua accuratamente i fatti essenziali, le violazioni di legge ed i loro aspetti più preoccupanti e nascosti, affinché vi si possa porre fine.

Riteniamo perciò doveroso portare le informazioni del dossier a conoscenza dei nostri lettori, dei colleghi giornalisti e dei politici di buona volontà, ma anche all’attenzione delle Autorità di Governo e degli organi investigativi e giudiziari che hanno l’obbligo giuridico di impedire il protrarsi a Trieste di una situazione di pubblica illegalità che non ha precedenti per la gravità dei fatti, le implicazioni internazionali e l’entità dei danni.

Con questo nostro articolo d’inchiesta vogliamo delineare contemporaneamente la struttura complessivadell’intera frode che ha condotto anche alla richiesta di finanziamenti europei. Chi è stato ingannato ha il diritto di sapere in che modo, e da chi.

Come noto, la discussa Amministrazione comunale di Trieste del sindaco Roberto Dipiazza ha chiesto oltre 140 milioni di euro di finanziamenti comunitari europei del programma NGEU – Next Generation EU attraverso il PNRR. Ma la parte destinata a scuole ed altre opere pubbliche necessarie e legittime è minima.

Dei finanziamenti richiesti, 112 milioni di euro (pari all’80%) riguardano infatti opere che il Sindaco Dipiazza e la sua Giunta vogliono realizzare suaree del cosiddetto “porto vecchio” dichiarando falsamente che il Comune ne ha ricevuto con norme inserite nella Legge 190/2014 un titolo di proprietà piena ed incondizionata, che dunque gli consentirebbe di disporne come vuole.

Quella legge gli consente invece soltanto di decidere la destinazione urbanistica di quei beni, e lo obbliga a venderli tutti con procedura d’asta europea ed a versare l’intero ricavato all’Autorità Portuale, che lo può e deve reinvestire soltanto nello sviluppo del Porto Franco internazionale di Trieste.

Ogni diverso atto di disposizione e di spesa del Comune di Trieste su quei beni è perciò compiuto in violazione assoluta di legge, e come tale non può essere oggetto di finanziamento pubblico ordinario (che costituirebbe danno erariale) e non può nemmeno ricevere finanziamenti comunitari europei.

Per questi motivi è illegittimo anche il concorso amministrativo e finanziario, attivo o passivo, in dette attività illegali del Comune di Trieste, da parte di ogni altro ente pubblico, ed in particolare dell’Autorità Portuale, della Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia, del Governo italiano e di suoi Ministeri ed Agenzie.

Sull’eseguibilità delle norme della Legge 190/2014 e sulla proprietà di quei beni portuali è inoltre in corso un contenzioso legale aperto a più livelli dalla stessa I.P.R. F.T.T. per violazione di disposizioni vigenti e prevalentidel Trattato di Pace multilaterale con l’Italia del 10 febbraio 1947.

Sono le disposizioni del Trattato di Paceche istituiscono il Porto Franco internazionale di Trieste, di cui il cosiddetto “porto vecchio” è in realtà il Porto Franco Nord, uno dei due grandi punti franchi permanenti, perciò inalienabili e soggetti a diritti di tutti gli Stati. Il Trattato consente di ampliarli secondo necessità, ma non di ridurli o spostarli. Sono dotati ambedue di scali ferroviari efficienti, collegati tra loro ed alla rete italiana ed europea.

Le nostre inchieste giornalistiche hanno già dimostrato e denunciato da tempo che la “sdemanializzazionedelporto vecchio” prevista da quelle norme introdotte surrettiziamente nella legge italiana di bilancio 190/2014 è una frode pubblica colossale, preparata con anni di operazioni amministrative e mediatiche ingannevoli per far credere falsamente all’opinione pubblica che sia un “porto vecchio” divenuto inutilizzabile, e pretenderne l’urbanizzazione e la vendita.

Una frode pubblica organizzata o comunque avallata da politici, speculatori e pubblici ufficiali, con la quale è stata gradualmente paralizzata la metà settentrionale del Porto Franco internazionale di Trieste, bloccandone sviluppi da oltre 10.000 nuovi posti di lavoro diretto, più quello indotto.

Una frode compiuta violando spudoratamente, oltre alla legge, la fede pubblica, ed in particolare quella della popolazione di Trieste, per presentare come un “recupero urbano” vantaggioso quello che è invece la distruzione di metà di un Porto Franco internazionale: un danno economico assurdo e così enorme da essere addirittura incalcolabile.

Rimangono da accertare soltanto, e non spetta a noi giornalisti d’inchiesta, le responsabilità penali, civili, erariali ed amministrative di tutti i pubblici ufficiali che avendo l’obbligo giuridico di far rispettare le leggi ed i diritti anche impedendo questa frode, non l’hanno sinora impedita, o l’hanno addirittura avallata in forma attiva o passiva.

In sostanza, è stata un’operazione politico-amministrativa fraudolenta di lento abbandono e svuotamento graduale del Porto Franco Nord, eseguita in violazione deliberata degli obblighi di mantenere il Porto Franco internazionale secondo le disposizioni del Trattato di Pace.

Obblighi che il Governo italiano ha assunto dal 1954 accettando il vigente mandato fiduciario speciale di amministrazione civile provvisoria dell’attuale Free Territory di Trieste, che confina dal 1947 con l’Italia e dal 1992 con la Slovenia.

Sul suo status giuridico si veda la rassegna normativa sistematica elaborata dalla Law Commission della I.P.R. F.T.T. (LINK).

Con quell’operazione di svuotamento illegale sono stati anche omessi gli interventi di bonifica del terrapieno portuale verso Barcola, pesantemente inquinato, e la suatrasformazione in una nuova grande piattaforma logistica su fondali da 18-20 metri, prevista con DPR n. 714/1978.

La necessità sempre più urgente di quella nuova piattaforma logistica per ampliare il Porto Franco Nord è stata sottolineata anche da progetti ed analisi pubblicati nel 1999 dall’Associazione degli Spedizionieri del Porto di Trieste, che rilevano come sia necessario l’utilizzo di ogni spazio possibile per lo sviluppo di nuovi moli e banchine.

Quei pareri tecnici dell’ASPT-ASTRA confermavano già allora che l’operazione di urbanizzazione del Porto Franco Nord, oltre a violare quegli obblighi internazionali era ed è economicamente insensata perché arreca danni gravissimi allo sviluppo del porto e dell’economia di Trieste.

Sembra quindi evidente che l’imposizione di quella scelta insensata possa trovare spiegazione soltanto in progetti di speculazione immobiliare illecita e negli interessi di porti concorrenti, ed in particolare, ma non soltanto, di Genova e Livorno.

Rimanendo ovviamente da spiegare i motivi dell’abnorme connivenza passiva ed attiva di quelle che dovrebbero essere la classe dirigente di Trieste e le sue istituzioni pubbliche garanti della legalità e della pubblica fede.

Quanto alla natura vincolante degli obblighi internazionali di mantenere il Porto Franco Nord in esecuzione delle disposizioni del Trattato di Pace, l’aveva ribadita il 7 gennaio 2010 lo stesso Governo italiano Berlusconi con una lettera ufficiale del Ministro degli Esteri Franco Frattini all’allora Prefetto di Trieste Giovanni Balsamo, pressato dai fautori dell’urbanizzazione illegale.

Ma la diffida del Ministro degli Esteri non ha impedito che a Trieste, cambiato il Prefetto nel novembre 2010 la concessione del Porto Franco Nord venisse assegnata ad una società costituita per urbanizzarlo illegalmente, la “Portocittà” guidata da Enrico Maltauro.

Il 5 novembre 2008 il Sindaco Dipiazza aveva turbato quella gara di concessione minacciando pubblicamente che se fosse stata vinta dal legittimo progetto tecnico di riattivazione portuale completa presentato dagli spedizionieri di ASPT-ASTRA, lui avrebbe usato i poteri del Comune per bloccaregli accessi stradali al Porto Franco Nord, impedendo il transito delle merci, ed intimando «Quella zona non sarà mai più porto».

Ma il 3 dicembre 2010 il Presidente dell’Autorità Portuale che aveva assegnato la concessione a Portocittà, il triestino Claudio Boniciolli, uomo del PD, dichiarava tranquillamente alla stampa «Spero che a succedermi sia il Sindaco Dipiazza, con il quale ho ben collaborato su Piano Regolatore e Porto Vecchio».

Nel 2011 il Governo Berlusconi aveva invece nominato Presidente dell’Autorità Portuale di Trieste Marina Monassi, funzionaria italiana capace e competente che si era impegnata per la piena riattivazione del Porto Franco Nord chiesta dagli spedizionieri, e per questo venne fatta oggetto durante tutti e quattro gli anni di mandato (gennaio 2011 – febbraio 2015) di una feroce campagna di boicottaggio e diffamazione da parte del quotidiano locale, appartenente al gruppo Espresso-Repubblica controllato politicamente dal PD (LINK).

Il 1° marzo 2013 Maltauro aveva impugnato davanti al Tribunale Amministrativo Regionale – TAR l’ineseguibilità della concessione per violazione di obblighi internazionali (LINK). Ma pretese egualmente, sotto minaccia di penali milionarie, che venisse eseguita con la consegna dell’intero Porto Franco Nord (tranne l’Adriateminal) previo sgombero forzoso di tutte le attività le imprese ed i servizi che ancora vi operavano.

In concreto, Maltauro rinunciò alla concessione solo dopo averla usata per ottenerela desertificazione completa del Porto Franco Nord, e poco prima della notizia del suo arresto per le tangenti dell’Expo di Milano (LINK).

Nel frattempo, il TAR aveva provveduto ad appoggiare l’urbanizzazione illecita dell’area rigettando il ricorso di Maltauro con una sentenza palesemente surrettizia (n. 400/2013) che pur adottando note false tesi politiche in materia di sovranità, dichiara che «il porto franco di Trieste costituisce un obbligo internazionale vincolante per l’Italia» ma ne travisa radicalmente le norme vincolanti teorizzando una inesistente «elasticità normativa e territoriale» che fornirebbe «la possibilità […] non solo di sospendere, ampliare, spostare ma anche di ridurre con atti amministrativi lo stesso ambito territoriale del Porto franco di Trieste, o addirittura la doverosità di tale riduzione, in caso in cui le pur consentite attività riferite alla portualità allargata divenissero esclusive ed escludenti».

Questa sentenza perciò ingannevole venne celebrata politicamente come fosse risolutiva, benché sia soltanto una sentenza amministrativa di rigetto, che come tale non fa giurisprudenza perché non annulla l’atto impugnato, che può essere perciò impugnato nuovamente davanti a un altro tribunale amministrativo ottenendo un’altra sentenza del tutto diversa.

Dopo avere convocato a Trieste con successo nel luglio 2013 il Convegno mondiale dei porti e delle zone franche organizzato dalla World Free Zone Convention di Londra, la Presidente dell’Autorità Portuale Marina Monassi nel febbraio 2014 haaperto un bando di concessione per riattivare il Porto Franco Nord, accogliendo in giugno otto domande che coprivano il 50% delle aree disponibili ed avviando nuovi contatti per il rimanente con altri investitori.

I sostenitori dell’urbanizzazione illegale hanno reagito mobilitando i loro referenti nel PD, che all’epoca controllava l’intera catena di comando politico, da Trieste a Roma, attraverso il Comune (sindaco Roberto Cosolini), la Regione (Presidente Debora Serracchiani) ed il Governo (Presidente del Consiglio Matteo Renzi), e due parlamentari triestini: il senatore Francesco Russo ed il discusso deputato Ettore Rosato, capogruppo del PD alla Camera (autore della famigerata legge elettorale 2017 detta perciò “Rosatellum”).

Così anche l’approvazione delle norme di “sdemanializzazione” inserite nella Legge 190/2014 è stata ottenuta con una frode, ma nei confronti del Parlamento italiano, che le aveva ripetutamente dichiarate inammissibili. E la lettera del Ministro Frattini al Prefetto Balsamo ne aveva anche chiarito il perché.

Nel dicembre 2014 i due parlamentari di maggioranza, Russo e Rosato, con l’assenso di Renzi forzarono l’approvazione senza discussione di quelle norme inammissibili inserendole tra gli emendamenti del Governo alla legge di bilancio dello Stato, ottenendone l’approvazione in blocco con il voto di fiducia al Governo stesso.

L’allora capogruppo della Lega alla Camera, Massimiliano Fedriga li accusò in aula di aver agito  «Come ladri di notte…» e denunciò la violazione di obblighi internazionali prevalenti. E pochi giorni dopo, a Trieste, l’allora senatore Russo si vantò in conferenza stampa dell’operazione fraudolenta dichiarando arrogante che «La prassi anche in diritto, supera la legge». Ma la  gerarchia delle fonti del diritto dice l’esatto contrario.

Le norme così introdotte fraudolentemente nella Legge 190/2014 prevedono lo “spostamento” (ad aree non portuali) del regime di porto franco internazionale dalle infrastrutture terrestri del Porto Franco Nord (aree scoperte, magazzini, scalo ferroviario) destinandole all’urbanizzazione e alla vendita.

Ma lo conservano sulle sue infrastrutture marittime (dighe, moli, banchine, una strettissima fascia costiera, più l’Adriaterminal) che rimarrebbero così intercluse da proprietà private. È quindi evidente che questa formula si presta a vari generi di speculazione illecita.

Il secondo imbroglio consiste nel nascondere che per legge italiana vigente e prevalente (art. 2 DlgsCPS 1430/1947 ratificato con L. 3054/1952) tutti i provvedimenti comunque riguardanti l’esecuzione del Trattato di Pace devono venire assunti con decreto del Presidente della Repubblica, e non sono perciò di competenza del Parlamento.

Il terzo imbroglio è nascondere che, per effetto della stessa norma e degli artt. 10 primo comma, 117 primo e quinto comma della Costituzione nella gerarchia delle fonti del diritto italiano, tutti i provvedimenti di esecuzione del Trattato di Pace hanno prevalenza pre-costituzionale e costituzionale sulle altre leggi in vigore.

Le norme inserite nella legge di bilancio 190/2014 per sdemanializzare ed urbanizzare il Porto Franco Nord risultavano e risultano perciò vigenti, ma giuridicamente ineseguibili per conflitto con norme di diritto internazionale vigenti e prevalenti nello stesso ordinamento italiano.

Ma l’approvazione fraudolenta delle norme di sdemanializzazione illegale bloccò anche le nuove concessioni legittime organizzate dalla Presidente Marina Monassi, ed il PD completò l’operazione sostituendola con un funzionario disposto a collaborare all’urbanizzazione illegale del Porto Franco Nord, Zeno D’Agostino.

In realtà il Parlamento italiano ha poi provveduto nel 2017 a consolidare elegantemente in legge l’ineseguibilità delle norme della Legge 190/2014 sulla sdemanializzazione e vendita del cosiddetto “porto vecchio” di Trieste, introducendovi una modifica che le subordina espressamente all’esecuzione delle norme del vigente Trattato di Pace, cioè delle norme prevalenti che non consentono di ridurre o spostare i punti franchi permanenti del Porto Franco internazionale di Trieste, ma soltanto di ampliarli.

A Trieste si è invece proseguito egualmente con la sdemanializzazione, commettendo così violazioni ulteriori della stessa legge così modificata.

Ed è frutto e fonte di frode ulteriore anche l’iscrizione tavolare sul Libro Fondiario di Trieste della proprietà dei beni del cosiddetto “porto vecchio” al nome del Comune, chiesta dal Sindaco PD Roberto Cosolini ed eseguita dal Tribunale nel 2016 nonostante opposizione legale perfettamente motivata della I.P.R. F.T.T.

I giudici incaricati hanno infatti eseguito la procedura in violazione della stessa Legge Tavolare, omettendo non solo l’accertamento doveroso delle norme ostative prevalenti del vigente Trattato di Pace e dei diritti che esso costituisce a favore di tutti gli Stati, ma anche l’iscrizione tavolare, necessaria a tutela della pubblica fede dei limiti vincolanti che la stessa Legge 190/2014 impone comunque al potere di disposizione del Comune su quei beni.

Il risultato è un’iscrizione tavolare ingannevole, che il Tribunale ha anche rifiutato più volte di correggere, che consente al Comune di abusarne dal 2016 per simulare di avere ottenuta la proprietà piena ed incondizionata di quei beni portuali, cioè il potere di disporne liberamente, dichiarando a questo scopo il falso in atti pubblici: deliberazioni, contratti, concessioni e bandi di gara.

Riassumendo i fatti, ci troviamo dunque di fronte a due livelli principali di frode, primario e secondario.

La frode primaria, interamente gestita dal PD, è costituita da una serie continua di operazioni amministrative illecite e mediatiche falsarie organizzate per anni allo scopo di urbanizzare il Porto Franco Nord impedendone la riattivazione legittima, culminata con l’inserimento truffaldino delle norme Russo-Rosato-Renzi nella L. 190/2014.

La frode secondaria è una frode nella frode, poiché consiste nell’iscrizione ingannevole dei beni sul Libro Fondiario, chiesta ed ottenuta dallo stesso PD (Amministrazione comunale Cosolini) e poi sfruttata dall’Amministrazione comunale Dipiazza per occupare temerariamente l’area con opere in aperta violazione sia dei limiti posti al potere di disposizione del Comune dalle stesse norme della L. 190/2014, sia dai normali limiti di prudenza della pubblica amministrazione.

E questo groviglio di illeciti ed azzardi dell’Amministrazione Dipiazza si regge da anni sul comportamento anomalo di tutti i politici del PD, che dall’opposizione non ne hanno mai voluto denunciare le violazioni di legge, che si fondano su operazioni del loro stesso partito. Mentre i soli provvedimenti di richiamo alla legge e di esecuzione degli obblighi internazionali risultano venuti da tecnici competenti e affidabili (Frattini, Monassi) scelti dai Governi dell’imprenditore Silvio Berlusconi.

Quindi è ancora più assurdo che Francesco Russo e Debora Serracchiani abbiano presentato e continuino a presentare l’imbroglio sulla Legge 190/2014 come un loro merito di “riscoperta” e addirittura “rilancio” del Porto Franco internazionale di Trieste.

Le nostre inchieste hanno già denunciato ripetutamente anche l’evidenza del fatto che la continuità nel tempo e le coperture istituzionali, politiche e mediatiche trasversali, attive e passive, che sono necessarie per compiere impunemente una frode di questo genere e di tale entità e durata, possono essere garantite soltanto da un “sistema” di corruzione delle istituzioni capace di condizionarle.

Cioè da un sistema non palese di relazioni trasversali capace di svolgere attività di interferenza sull’esercizio delle funzioni di organi costituzionali, di amministrazioni pubbliche e di enti pubblici in violazione dell’art. 1 della Legge italiana n. 17/1982.

Il dossier d’indagine ora desecretato dalla I.P.R. F.T.T. Law Commission precisa opportunamente che nel caso di Trieste il concetto di “corruzione delle istituzioni” si deve intendere riferito alla sola constatazione del fatto obiettivo che istituzioni pubbliche titolari come tali dell’obbligo giuridico di impedire le violazioni della legge non le impediscano, o addirittura le compiano o vi concorrano in qualsiasi modo, e ciò a prescindere dai motivi, che possono essere anche di errore in buona fede o di inganno da parte di terzi.

Tale significato, che noi condividiamo, del concetto di corruzione delle istituzioni non indica perciò né implica o suggerisce l’esistenza di corruzioni personali dei responsabili di quelle istituzioni, ma la semplice constatazione obiettiva del fatto oggettivo che esse violano con azioni od omissioni  i propri doveri di tutela della legalità.

Non si può comunque ritenere che i responsabili e gli esecutori della frode sul “porto vecchio” non si rendano conto che le azioni legali della I.P.R. F.T.T. sono perfettamente fondate in fatto e diritto, coinvolgono gli interessi di altri Stati, e che per questi motivi anche il rifiuto di giustizia sinora opposto da settori della magistratura italiana potrà essere facilmente capovolto a livello internazionale e comunitario europeo.

La strategìa dell’Amministrazione comunale Dipiazza consiste perciò nello sfruttare le proprie impunità locali anomale per tentare di imporre sulla legge il fatto compiuto occupando fisicamente o contrattualmente il “porto vecchio” con nuove opere, e tentando di coinvolgere nella frode un numero crescente di terzi di presumibile buona fede: professionisti, imprese nazionali ed estere, finanziatori, banche, enti pubblici, ministeri italiani ed infine l’Unione Europea con finanziamenti NGEU-PNRR.

Nel 2017 l’Amministrazione comunale Dipiazza si è persino impadronita direttamente di alcuni edifici principali dell’area già restaurati dall’Autorità Portuale, incluso l’enorme Magazzino 26, con una delibera di Giunta che ne decide l’assegnazione al demanio indisponibile del Comune dichiarando falsamente che la Legge 190/2014 è cambiata.

L’asserito mutamento di status giuridico di quei beni non risulta iscritto sul Libro Fondiario perché quella delibera abnorme è ovviamente inefficace, dato che la Legge 190/2014 non era cambiata, ed un Comune non può cambiarla, ma l’Amministrazione Dipiazza continua a simularlo per stipulare locazioni e concessioni perciò illegittime ad enti, fondazioni ed associazioni.

Nel 2018-2019 l’Amministrazione comunale Dipiazza ha organizzato con pretesti la costruzione illegittima di un nuovo centro congressi nel c.d. “porto vecchio”, a ridosso del terrapieno inquinato verso Barcola, con la procedura pubblico-privata del project financing, ed opere edili per 11,7 milioni di euro dei quali 4,5 milioni a peso del Comune, “compensati” da un affitto annuo di soli 80.000 euro, dei quali 5.000 in denaro ed il resto in giornate di utilizzo (LINK).

Ed anche quest’operazione contro legge e deficitaria è stata consolidata con un atto pubblico fraudolento: un contratto di cessione ventennale di diritti di superficie all’apposita Trieste Convention Center (TCC) S.r.l., ora S.p.A. nel quale l’Amministrazione Dipiazza dichiara falsamente di avere la piena ed incondizionata disponibilità delle aree e che la cessione è conforme alle disposizioni della Legge 190/2014 (LINK).

Nel 2021 l’amministrazione comunale del sindaco Dipiazza ha anche coinvolto l’Autorità Portuale (Presidente Zeno d’Agostino) e l’Amministrazione regionale (Presidente Massimiliano Fedriga) nella costituzione di un consorzio, denominato “URSUS”, per gestire tutta l’area in aperta violazione degli obblighi di vendita e di destinazione del ricavato.

Su queste basi perciò illegali, tra dicembre 2021 e gennaio 2023 l’Amministrazione comunale Dipiazza ha venduto all’Amministrazione Regionale Fedriga un intero complesso di magazzini del “porto vecchio” perché vi trasferisca quasi tutti gli uffici della Regione con un progetto da 160 milioni di euro, avviato in perdita prevista di almeno 67 milioni di euro(pari al 42%). Ma la vendita è avvenuta anche in plurima violazione di legge perché compiuta a trattativa diretta invece che con asta europea, ed il passaggio di proprietà è ora impugnato anch’esso dalla I.P.R. F.T.T. con Reclamo Tavolare davanti al Tribunale di Trieste.

Rimane sempre da comprendere come e perché queste operazioni del Comune in aperta violazione della Legge 190/2014 siano state appoggiate, invece che impedite, anche dal Presidente dell’Autorità Portuale, Zeno D’Agostino, che aveva l’obbligo giuridico di esigere dal Comune che ne rispettasse gli obblighi di vendita all’asta e di versamento del ricavato, e dal Presidente regionale Massimiliano Fedriga, che in Parlamento neaveva invece denunciata l’approvazione come inammissibile e fraudolenta.

Sul tutto continuano comunque a pendere le numerose azioni legali a vario livello della I.P.R. F.T.T. per ottenere il rispetto della legge, appoggiate anchedagli interventi in giudizio di un numero senza precedenti di cittadini ed imprese di Trieste e di altri Stati.

E questo spiega la fretta frenetica e l’arroganza aggressiva spesso grossolana con cui il Sindaco Roberto Dipiazza tenta di imporre al Consiglio comunale ed alla città qualsiasi opera o contratto che possa servire ad occupare comunque le aree del cosiddetto “porto vecchio”.

La stessa fretta spiega anche l’imprudenza economica abnorme con cui per opere illegittime nel “porto vecchio” l’Amministrazione comunale Dipiazza non ne ha nemmeno attesa la copertura finanziaria per anticipare la spesa di somme rilevantissime di denaro pubblico in progettazioni, consulenze, attività promozionali, attrezzature e quant’altro, anticipando persino le gare d’appalto per l’esecuzione delle opere.

Azzardi, questi, che col denaro pubblico non sono consentiti, e sollevano anche un interrogativo ovvio sulla vigilanza della Corte dei Conti. Ma su questo argomento il giornalista può soltanto osservare che il Sindaco Dipiazza ha creato sicuramente degli imbarazzi affidando sino al 2021 la regìa degli interventi nel “porto vecchio” ad un funzionario dirigente di sua fiducia che era anche il consorte della Procuratrice Regionale della Corte dei Conti.

Le anticipazioni operative e finanziarie azzardate riguardano anche il più aggressivo dei tre progetti illegittimi per i quali il Sindaco Dipiazza ha chiesto finanziamenti europei dal PNRR: un’assurda cabinovia da 61 milioni di euro tra il “porto vecchio” e l’altopiano carsico, dove il Comune ha già invaso illegittimamente proprietà private predisponendone pure espropri.

Il Comune infatti ha indetto e svolto tra dicembre 2022 e febbraio 2023 anche la gara d’appalto europea per la realizzazione dell’opera, senza attendere la conferma della disponibilità reale del finanziamento europeo dichiarata nel bando, e senza avere ancora né la proprietà delle aree esterne al c.d. “porto vecchio” per la posa dei piloni, né le autorizzazioni paesaggistiche ed ambientali necessarie, né le varianti al piano regolatore.

Alla gara d’appalto hanno partecipato due gruppi di imprese specializzate, uno austriaco ed uno guidato dalla sudtirolese Leitner S.p.A., che in marzo è stata proclamata vincitrice ed ha ora diritto a pretendere dal Comune di eseguire l’opera dopo la conclusione delle procedure rimaste in sospeso.

Ma non ci saranno nemmeno i fondi europei necessari. Come infatti prevedibile, l’11 settembre corrente il Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti italiano ha comunicato ufficialmente al Comune di Trieste che «L’intervento della cabinovia non può avere accesso alle risorse del PNRR».

E secondo il dossier d’indagine della I.P.R. F.T.T. vi sono tutti i motivi per cui lo stesso accada anche per gli altri due progetti del Comune, anch’essi assurdi: una “Cittadella dello Sport” da 4,7 milioni di euro sul terrapieno inquinato, ed un “Viale Monumentale Porto Vecchio” da 22,8 milioni.

A questo punto si apre un nuovo problema, rilevantissimo, che può avere anche aspetti paradossali.

L’Amministrazione comunale Dipiazza ha coinvolto deliberatamente in progetti ed opere illegittimi nel “porto vecchio” i terzi di presumibile buona fede (imprese, professionisti, finanziatori, banche, enti pubblici e privati) simulando che il Comune ne abbia la proprietà immobiliare piena ed incondizionata, ma la frode è ormai scoperta e non potrà continuare impunemente.

Questo significa che quei terzi coinvolti, come la stessa Leitner S.p.A., potrebbero chiedere ed ottenere giudizialmente dal Comune il risarcimento dei danni subìti per l’inganno, che graverebbero per milioni di euro sui bilanci comunali, cioè a peso dei cittadini, in aggiunta al danno erariale dei milioni di euro che l’Amministrazione Dipiazza ha già speso per le opere illegittime nel c.d. “porto vecchio”.

Quei milioni di euro dissipati per occupare il presunto “porto vecchio” sono sostanzialmente sottratti agli obblighi di spesa primari del Comune, come quelli per le necessità sempre maggiori di assistenza sociale a persone e famiglie in una città dove disoccupazione e miseria sono in crescita costante.

La responsabilità diretta delle opere illegittime e delle relative spese perciò in danno erariale appartiene al Sindaco, agli assessori, ai consiglieri comunali ed ai funzionari dirigenti del Comune che le hanno decise ed attuate nell’esercizio delle loro funzioni, così avallando anche la simulazione di proprietà piena ed incondizionata sulla quale si fondano gli atti relativi.

Ma tra le azioni legali della I.P.R. F.T.T. vi sono anche le diffide di denuncia della frode notificate sia a quei pubblici ufficiali responsabili, sia alle imprese coinvolte, con l’invito a cessare le violazioni di legge, esattamente segnalate, ed a farle verificare dai loro legali di fiducia.

Poiché nessuno dei diffidati pubblici e privati ha reagito, quelle diffide notificate dalla I.P.R. F.T.T. sono divenute prove documentali di colpa o dolo a carico dei responsabili comunali, ma anche prove del fatto che quelle imprese non potranno chiedere ed ottenere risarcimenti milionari dalle casse del Comune dichiarandosi terzi di buona fede ignari della frode.

Il paradosso sta dunque nel  fatto che dalle tenaci e competenti difese legali della I.P.R. F.T.T. dipenda non solo la salvezza del Porto Franco Nord, ma anche quella dei bilanci del Comune già saccheggiati dall’Amministrazione Dipiazza per le opere illegali con cui tenta di occuparlo.

E questa situazione non è alleviata, ma ulteriormente aggravata, dalla nuova pretesa del Sindaco Dipiazza di imporre l’urbanizzazione illegale del c.d. “porto vecchio” in blocco, attraverso un’operazione in project financing da 600 milioni di euro e 10 anni di cantieri con un unico partner, il gruppo Costim, che se ne assumerebbe anche i rischi economici d’impresa.

Mentre è evidente che nessun piano economico di investimenti e ricavi dall’urbanizzazione di un’area di Porto Franco internazionale può essere paragonato alla proporzione tra gli investimenti e gli enormi ricavi della sua riattivazione, per avviare la quale è sufficiente prendere doverosamente atto dell’ineseguibilità giuridica delle norme specifiche della Legge 190/2014 così come modificate nel 2017.

Tenendo anche conto che il titolo di proprietà dei beni intavolato fittiziamente sul Libro Fondiario di Trieste è anch’esso ineseguibile poiché le norme del Trattato di Pace che stabiliscono la proprietà dell’ente di Stato (State corporation) denominato Porto Franco internazionale di Trieste e dei suoi due punti franchi permanenti in capo al Free Territory of Trieste hanno prevalenza anche su tutte le disposizioni della Legge Tavolare e del codice civile in materia di proprietà.

Vi sono inoltre prove evidenti che l’operazione a partner unico era stata predisposta da tempo, anche se è stata annunciata appena nel luglio 2024 ed il Sindaco Dipiazza e la sua Giunta pretendono, con la loro solita arroganza, che il Consiglio comunale la approvi senza nemmeno avere i documenti ed i tempi necessari per valutarla seriamente.

Ma la prima cosa da chiarire è anche quella essenziale, e semplicissima: basta verificare se l’Amministrazione comunale del Sindaco Dipiazza abbia nascosto anche al gruppo Costim che il Comune di Trieste non ha affatto la libera disponibilità di quei beni, e che per questo motivo l’intera operazione sarebbe illegittima.

Nessun investitore normale affronterebbe infatti i rischi abnormi conseguenti, e se lo facesse lascerebbe supporre che gli scopi reali dell’operazione possano essere anche molto diversi da quelli dichiarati.

Nel dossier ora desecretato dalla I.P.R. F.T.T. l’Agenzia indagante rimarca a questo proposito, e non per caso, che «Tutte le attività di violazione del regime di Porto Franco internazionale di Trieste e di occupazione illegittima dei suoi punti franchi permanenti richiedono particolare vigilanza, perché possono avere lo scopo o l’effetto di creare posizioni dominanti a favore di imprese o di Stati pericolosi per gli equilibri strategici euro-atlantici, come nel caso degli accordi del 2019 su Trieste tra il Governo italiano amministratore e la Repubblica Popolare Cinese. Accordi che quest’Agenzia ha perciò impugnato in giudizio nella causa civile n. 5209/2023 avanti il Tribunale di Trieste, tuttora in corso con l’intervento di 238 cittadini ed imprese di Trieste e di altri Stati.» (si veda l’atto di citazione: LINK).

Ci si consenta infine di osservare che di fronte ad un groviglio di pubbliche illegalità e responsabilità locali così ampio ed inestricabile la soluzione più ragionevole e di effetto interruttivo immediato è quella gordiana costituita dal commissariamento degli enti coinvolti; che rientra nei poteri e doveri  costituzionali del Governo italiano, così come precisati dall’art. 120 secondo comma Cost.:

«Il Governo può sostituirsi a organi delle Regioni, delle Città metropolitane, delle Province e dei Comuni nel caso di mancato rispetto di norme e trattati internazionali o della normativa comunitaria […] prescindendo dai confini territoriali dei governi locali. […]»

L’esercizio tempestivo dei poteri sostitutivi del Governo è infatti il presupposto anche per l’efficacia dei successivi atti di indagine e per i normali provvedimenti di sostituzione dei funzionari pubblici coinvolti negli illeciti, che in questo caso potrebbero anche dare motivo ad un’ispezione internazionale a tutela dei diritti di tutti gli Stati e delle loro imprese sul Porto Franco internazionale di Trieste.

La lettura attenta del dossier d’indagine riservato ora desecretato dalla I.P.R. F.T.T. può essere quindi per tutti gli interessati alle sorti di Trieste, ed allo stesso Governo amministratore una fonte sistematica preziosa di informazioni di intelligence che non si possono ricavare dalle fonti politiche e di stampa superficiali o compromesse.

Ecco dunque il dossier completo degli allegati (LINK). Buona lettura.

Il Corriere di Trieste 5. Oktober 2024

Trieste: COSTIM notified of the illegitimacy of the “old port” project.

Trieste, 9 October 2024. – As known through our investigations, there is a massive public fraud going on in Trieste, aiming at privatizing one of the two wide permanent free zones of the international Free Port of Trieste, the Northern Free Port, with unprecedented violations of the law and of the pertinent international obligations.

The fraud consists in deactivating the Northern Free Port to simulate that it has become an “old port” no longer suitable for use, and then sell to private buyers its land-based infrastructures, making them eligible to seek and obtain concessions over the nearby international free port’s maritime infrastructures.

This therefore makes it a case of significant public corruption, which gives rise to evident strategic risks, especially in view of the aggressive economic expansion carried out by state-controlled companies of the People’s Republic of China in the States of Central-Eastern Europe.

The necessary legal actions to stop these operations are led by the Agency I.P.R. F.T.T. – International Provisional Representative of the Free Territory of Trieste (LINK), while the promoters of the fraud are attempting to impose a fait accompli against the law, occupying the port areas with illegitimate construction works.

The illegitimate occupation of those port areas is led by the municipal Administration of mayor Roberto Dipiazza, and it is based on the simulation that the Municipality obtained full and unconditional ownership of those areas. This simulation is then used to involve in the illegitimate works an increasing number of third parties in good faith (professionals, enterprises, sponsors, various public bodies).

For an updated analysis of the developments in that fraud, see the investigative article published, in Italian, on October 5, titled Trieste: dossier d’indagine sulle richieste di fondi europei del Comune per la frode del “porto vecchio” // Trieste: investigative dossier about the Municipality’s requests of EU funds for the fraud of the “old port” (LINK).

On September 12, 2024, the municipal Administration announced its goal of occupying the whole area of the so-called “old port” with a project financing operation to be signed with a sole partner, Gruppo COSTIM. This is once again an illegal project, and it is based on the simulation that the Municipality has full and unconditional ownership of those port areas.

This is why, on October 8, the I.P.R. F.T.T. notified the legal representatives of COSTIM and of associated firms Elmet s.r.l. and Real Estate group Percassi s.p.a. a certified email (p.e.c.) containing a Notice of Compliance with the Law in Italian and in English, officially informing them of the fraud and of the reasons why the agreement announced with the Municipality would be illegal, and thus null and void.

Given the public and international interest of the document that the I.P.R. F.T.T. notified to the three enterprises, we are publishing it in Italian (LINK) and in English (LINK).

(F.W.) La Voce di Trieste, 9. Oktober 2024

The 70th anniversary of General Marshall’s Nobel Peace Prize

The 70th anniversary of the Nobel Peace Prize to George C. Marshall.

The United States and the administration of Trieste.

Analysis by Silvia Verdoljak

George C. Marshall (John Edward Bannon)

«Our policy is directed not against any country or doctrine but against hunger, poverty, desperation and chaos.»

George C. Marshall, Harvard, June 5, 1947.

Trieste, December 30th, 2023. – It’s been seventy years since U.S. general George C. Marshall (1880-1959), “architect” of victory in World War II and of Europe’s rebirth in peace as the Truman Administration’s Secretary of State was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

Few Nobel Peace Prizes were as deserved as that awarded in 1953 to George C. Marshall, who is also the only career soldier to ever receive the award.

He received the award on December 10, 1953, «for proposing and supervising the plan for the economic recovery of Europe», and for his efforts to promote world peace and understanding.

Indeed, the ethical and political principles, as well as the impressive funds of the “Marshall Plan” between 1948 and 1952, are the foundations of the reconstruction of 18 European States’ national economies and of the development of Community process in modern, democratic Europe, which otherwise would have succumbed to devastating economic and political chaos.

The debt of gratitude that all of us Europeans have to the US and to George C. Marshall is immense, and it is always present because the aid donated in an extremely harsh time has continued to multiplicate throughout time.

And Trieste, as the 18th Marshall Plan State, has special reasons of gratitude to the United States of America in the past and of hope for the future.

Yet, the vast majority of European public opinion is unaware of this debt of gratitude because the memory of it has been hindered or erased for decades by the propaganda of political formations that are hostile to the US for nationalistic or ideological reasons.

And this problem is more than just historical and moral, because those anti-US propagandas based on disinformation are still hampering political and strategic Euro-Atlantic balances on matters that are as urgent as they are current.

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to George C. Marshall, we consider it duly offering our readers the basic information required to re-establish a correct memory of his efforts and the United States’ own actions for present-day Europe.

Victorious General and Secretary of State.

George Catlett Marshall Jr. was born in 1880 in Uniontown (Pennsylvania). In 1902, after graduating from the Virginia Military Institute, he joined the United States Army, and served as an officer in the Philippine–American War, in World War I and World War II, in the Chinese Civil War and in the Korean War.

From 1939, with the rank of General, he became Army chief of staff and the principal military adviser of President Roosevelt during WWII. In those roles, he reorganized the Army and directed operations on all fronts with such capability and efficiency that President Truman declared him the “architect of victory”.

In 1947, Presidente Truman nominates him Secretary of State, a duty Marshall carries out until 1949, becoming the architect of peace with an ethical and political outlook that goes beyond the new ideological, political, and military fracture of the world into two blocks—western and Soviet—in order to prevent Europe from suffering once again the devastating political and social destabilizations that followed WWI.

June 5th, 1947: the speech at Harvard.

On June 5ᵗʰ, 1947, with an historical speech at Harvard University, George C. Marshall officially invites all European countries, victorious and defeated, including the Soviet bloc, to agree on a program for economic reconstruction with the United States, which would fund it.

With courageous clarity, Marshall expresses the universal humanitarian principles of this offer of help without discriminations: «Our policy is directed not against any country or doctrine but against hunger, poverty, desperation and chaos».

However, after the earliest consultations, the Soviet Union, which during the war had obtained substantial aid from the US, rejected this offer of peace, and it also prevented its satellite States from accepting it.

The invitation was accepted by 18 European States: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany (Western), Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, Trieste, Turkey, the United Kingdom.

Western Europe's Recovery. The 18 Marshall Plan States: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany (Western), Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, Trieste, Turkey, the United Kingdom.

The Marshall Plan’s dimension, structure, and impact.

The European Recovery Program – ERP was officially announced by President Harry S. Truman on April 3rd, 1948. On April 16th, the recipient Countries undersigned the agreements establishing the Organisation for European Economic Cooperation – OEEC (now OECD), while Trieste and Western Germany joined on October 16th.

From 1948 to 1952, the United States financed the Marshall Plan’s aid to Western Europe and Turkey with more than $13 billions of public money (about $32 each year for each US citizen). 86% of the aid was used to provide free goods and service (grants) while the remaining 14% consisted of loans granted under highly convenient terms. The amount goes beyond 170 billion current dollars (2023).

The Government of each recipient European State was bound to deposit the value of the goods it had received for free by the United States in a counterpart fund, established in the recipient’s own currency to provide for the State’s recovery and development.

On the other side, the loans were granted in US dollars, were to be repaid in annual installments with a 2.5% interest rate. The repayment period, which started in the second semester of 1956, after the end of the E.R.P., was 35 years. Also, the contract with each receiving State included a waiver clause that allowed for further delay in the payment owing to exceptional economic conditions.

The United States managed the Marshall Plan through the Economic Cooperation Administration (E.C.A.), which was in charge of providing both the grants, thanks to the funds it received from Congress, and the loans, through the Washington Import-Export Bank, as an agency of the US Government.

In 1950, E.C.A. aid was extended also to Yugoslavia, which in 1948 had left the Soviet bloc getting closer to the US with the December 1950 Yugoslav Emergency Relief Assistance Act, and to NATO with the Treaties of Friendship and Collaboration Between Yugoslavia, Greece, and Turkey signed in 1953 and 1954. For those reasons, Yugoslavia received economic and military aid from the US even in later decades.

The three fundamental instruments for peace.

The day after being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, George C. Marshall held his “Nobel Lecture” at Oslo University, offering his perspective about the instruments needed to establish and maintain peace.

Seventy years later, his December 11th, 1953, speech, also known by the unofficial title of “Essentials for Peace”, is still extremely relevant for the analysis and resolution of all later international conflicts and of the ongoing ones, from the Middle East to Ukraine, from the African continent, to Eastern Asia and the Pacific.

Facing the tension of his time, consisting of the increasing “cold war” tensions in the midst of a conventional and nuclear arm race (the USSR had just announced its hydrogen bomb), General Marshall openly criticizes militarism and the idea that deterrence is in itself enough to maintain peace.

To the strategy of military confrontation, Marshall opposes «a spiritual regeneration to develop goodwill, faith, and understanding among nations»grounded in three essential instruments.

The first fundamental instrument is school education, which must focus on the factors of war, not prejudice. And which prejudice is stronger than national prejudices?

Marshall does not shy away from mentioning a negative example in the US itself, where the Civil War (1861–1865) is described in two completely different manners in books from the North than it is in books from the South.

Indeed, in a democratic society, in which the State’s policy directly depends on decisions made by each citizen, the formation provided to them is decisive.

The solution to overcome national prejudice is, according to Marshall, an objective study of the events, which he regards as more scientific.

The second fundamental instrument for peace provided by Marshall consists of the United State’s national attitudes.

Indeed, the United States is geographically distant from the region of the world scourged by war; however, the American people mainly consist of individuals that come from those regions, where they were oppressed and persecuted.

And this is the reason why the American people, even if they were not directly affected by the horrors and devastations of WWII, rushed to defend with arms Europe’s liberty and to offer material assistance to it right after the conflict.

According to Marshall, those unique characters of the American people bound the United States to serve the cause of peace, becoming the cornerstone of international cooperation. Exactly as is happening today with the “Abraham Accords” to build peace in the Middle East (LINK).

Finally, Marshall identifies the third and last fundamental instrument for peace in the establishment and maintenance of peace to help the millions who live in misery realize their aspiration to build a better life, based on liberty and human rights.

According to Marshall, more favored States have the duty to offer disadvantaged and oppressed people not only material help, but also support through the ideals of democracy, opposing the moral and material uncertainties, distrust, and intolerance that lead to war.

Marshall regarded as necessary «a spiritual regeneration which would reestablish a feeling of good faith among men generally».

At the end of his “Nobel lecture” George G. Marshall explains that the three elements so described are not exhaustive and none can be achieved without effort.

Effort to do good, effort to analyze and research the factors that protect peace and those causing wars, but also a material effort to support those great economic and military undertakings on which depend world equilibrium.

And, in order to achieve those results, as confirmed this year, 2023, by the Secretary of State in office, Antony Blinken, it is fundamental «leading by the power of our example».

Trieste, the 18th Marshall Plan State.

The direct, special bonds between Trieste and the United States of America date back to the American War of Independence (1775–1783).

From 1382, Trieste was an autonomous city of the Austrian Crown (LINK) and, from 1719, it became also its prosperous Free Port, with global trade relations.

The people of Trieste, already multiethnic and of many faiths, increased even more when Holy Roman Emperor Joseph II issued the Edicts of Toleration (1781 – 1785), granting freedom of belief and faith to Jews, non-Catholic or reformed Christians (Orthodox Christians, Evangelicals, Calvinists) and to secular orders (Freemasons). 

Count Charles-Albert de Moré, aide-de-camp of Lafayette, in a letter addressed to his brother described that Austrian Trieste as «the Philadelphia of Europe, the typical pioneer city of our old continent, the port in which castaways find shelter and a new, promising life», and the Triestines as «true pioneers […] flocking from the most diverse of lands in order to make a different life for themselves».

Triestine merchants, together with merchants from the Austrian Netherlands (the present-day Belgium), supported before the Austrian Government the cause of the American Revolution, even proposing trade agreements to support it.

In 1797, on President Washington’s order, the United States intensified its commercial, political, and cultural ties with Trieste, and opened its second European diplomatic representation there.

Maritime traffic between the US and Trieste intensified to the point that on February 22, 1814 the Austrian city celebrated President’s Day as 14 US ships were moored in the port.

In the early 20th century, the port of Trieste had passenger lines connecting it with the main US ports, run by Austrian, American, and German shippers, as well as by the “Austro-Americana” a company that offered a fast, weekly Trieste-New York line.

After World War II, Trieste was liberated by the Allied Forces on May 1st, 1945, and, from June 12th, it was under the care of a British-US Allied Military Government.

With their third proclamation, issued on July 3rd, 1945, the new British-US Authorities did also take care to repeal the anti-Jewish legislation of the Kingdom of Italy.

The Treaty of Peace of February 10, 1947 between the Allied and Associated Powers and Italy has established Trieste as a new sovereign State with an international Free Port, the Free Territory of Trieste, placed under the direct protection of the United Nations Security Council, and entrusted to a Provisional Regime of Government.

On September 15th, 1947, at the coming into force of the Peace Treaty, the mandate of provisional Government was entrusted, on the UNSC’s behalf, to the existing British-US Allied Military Government, which therefore became the first Government of State of the present-day Free Territory of Trieste.

This is why Trieste was soon included among the European Member State of the new pre-EU and international organizations (OEEC, EPU, ECMT, ICEM, Interpol, and the World Health Organization), as well as receiving the support of the US with the Marshall Plan.

Until 1951, the Marshall Plan provided Trieste and the Triestines with 37.5 million dollars, (worth more than $ 400 million in 2023), equal to $ 126 pro capita (worth about $ 1400 today). Trieste is the second State for aid pro capita after Iceland.

The Marshall Plan aid was invested in the development of shipyards, of industries, of railroads, and the international Free Port, creating jobs and improving welfare, lifting the war-thorn city and its economy.

Trieste, however, did more than just receiving aid; with its new international Free Port it played an active role in its Mitteleuropean Hinterland’s reconstruction.

In 1950, the international Free Port of the Free Territory of Trieste welcomed the four millionth ton. of ERP aid, directed to Austria (LINK). Triestine refineries did also process crude oil, providing Austria with petrol.

In 1954, the primary administering British and US Governments withdrew their troops, sub-entrusting to the Italian Government (not to the Italian State) Trieste’s temporary civil administration, and its military defense to NATO.

The sub-mandate of temporary civil administration entrusted to the Italian Government includes the correct management of the international Free Port of Trieste, at service of ships and freight from all States, without discrimination.

The sub-mandate of military defense assigned to NATO includes respect for the neutrality and demilitarization of the present-day Free Territory of Trieste.

To date (2023), both the Italian Government and NATO are exercising their respective sub-mandates, for the correct enforcement of which they are responsible to the people of  the Triestine State, to the primary administering British and US Governments, and, with respect to the international Free Port, to the whole International Community of States.

The Governments of the United States and of the United Kingdom are therefore responsible to Trieste, to all other States, and to the United Nations Security Council for matters relating to the correct enforcement of the mandates they have sub-entrusted to the Italian Government and to NATO.

In particular, these supervisory responsibilities regard the fact that the Italian Government’s bodies in charge of the temporary civil administration breach their sub-mandate and the relating international obligations, simulating that the administered State does not exist and that Trieste and its port belong to the Italian State.

As is known, this question is the subject of an ongoing, complex legal dispute initiated versus the Italian Government by the International Provisional Representative of the Free Territory of Trieste (LINK) which, for this purpose, acts as a subject of international law.

Yet, it is evident that the principles expressed by George C. Marshall in 1953 should also apply to the settlement of this dispute, through the legitimate and duly active vigilance of the United States of America on the conduction of the sub-mandate of temporary civil administration of the 18th European Marshall Plan State and on the management of its strategic international Free Port.

It is in this light that Trieste, the 18th European Marshall Plan State, has good reasons to owe the United States special gratitude for the past as well as hope for the future.

Since May 1964, General Marshall’s Nobel Peace Prize is entrusted by his family to the George C. Marshall Foundation. The Marshall Foundation permanently displays the Prize at its Lexington building (VA).

Analysis by Silvia Verdoljak

30.12.2023 Il Corriere di Trieste



28 February 2023. – In Trieste, the Municipal administration of mayor Roberto Dipiazza, who has been in office since 2016, is committing with impunity severe breaches of law in the management of the areas and buildings of the Northern Free Port (the so-called “old port” or “porto vecchio”), causing damages and loss of revenues in the measure of dozens million Euro, and it does so with the direct or indirect support of the local authorities that should prevent those crimes. This is, in short, the state of “public lawlessness” denounced on 20 February 2023 by the I.P.R. F.T.T. (LINK) with a document that calls for the re-establishment of the rule of law, addressed, in English and in Italian, both to the involved public authorities and officers of the Municipality, the Region, and the Port Authority, as well as to the Commissioner of the Government and Prefect of Trieste, and to the General Prosecutor at the Court of Appeal.

The notified document’s subject is: «breaches of law regarding the management of port assets assigned to the Municipality of Trieste’s available assets under art. 1, paragraph 619 of Italian Law No. 190/2014 as amended by art 1, paragraph 66, letter b) of Italian Law No. 205/2017 – criminal, civil, and administrative (including for lost revenue) liabilities of the public servants and officers involved – request to re-establish law and order».

In view of the extraordinary seriousness of the facts denounced, which have obvious public relevance, as well as in view of the news blackouts that are shielding them since years, we publish the complete document (HERE) and summarize its contents and context.

It should be pointed out that the illegal actions denounced in this act aren’t related to the legal disputes opened by the I.P.R. F.T.T. since 2017 (LINK) with three civil lawsuits for demonstration of the rights and the obligations regarding the present-day Free Territory of Trieste and its international Free Port.

Indeed, the latter legal action challenges the inconstitutionality of the 2014 Italian provisions of law, amended in 2017, which ruled the removal from permanent public property (the s.c. “sdemanializzazione”) of the Northern Free Port’s areas and buildings, transferring them to the Municipality under obligation to sell them and hand all revenues over to the Port Authority, which is itself bound to invest them in the development of other sectors of Trieste’s international Free Port, which is subject to the rights of all States.

Indeed, the I.P.R. F.T.T.’s latest complaint revolves on the fact that mayor Dipiazza’s Municipal administration, after receiving those assets bound to be sold under those provisions of Italian law, is openly violating them by using those assets as its own or for the advantage of third parties with acts regarding their disposal or ruling expenditures which, therefore, are illegitimate and constitute severe damages to public accounts.

Consequently, the complaint does also regard the behavior of the local administrative authorities and of the local judiciary, because, despite being vested with the legal obligation to prevent the breaches of law committed by the Dipiazza municipal administration, they either avoid to prevent them, or go as far as becoming active accomplices (in particular, the Port Authority of Zeno D’Agostino, in charge since 2015, and the Regional Administrations of Debora Serracchiani from 2013 to 2018 and Massimiliano Fedriga’s from 2018 to 2023).

In its act, the I.P.R. F.T.T. highlights that all of this «does also carry implications for the personal criminal, civil and administrative (including lost revenue) liabilities of the public servants and officers who either took part in those crimes or disregarded their legal obligation to prevent them».

This is why the I.P.R. F.T.T. ends its note inviting them «to take care, within [their] respective responsibilities, to re-establish law and order on the matter, and to annul in self-defense all acts drafted in breach of the provisions at art. 1, paragraph 619 of Italian Law No. 190/2014, as amended at art. 1, paragraph 66 letter b) of Italian Law No. 205/2017».

The act itself does also foresee the involvement of the European Union’s antifraud offices for the cases in which the Trieste Municipal administration released European contract notices or sought European funding for works in the “old port” simulating their legitimacy or that the Municipality enjoys unconditioned ownership over those assets (for instance, a recent cableway project: LINK).

Our readers can learn more about the whole question by reading the full document directly (LINK), however, we think it is duly adding to the new further considerations regarding two particular aspects of this case.

The first aspect is that a state of public lawlessness as the one consolidated in Trieste may only take root and remain in power by the doing of a “system” of transversal networks of power that are able to interfere with the activity of democratic authorities as well as to influence the free press.

It is no coincidence that, since 2010, the reports of investigative journalists on this matter were only published by us, or that the local judiciary has systematically ignored or covered up complaints regarding those crimes and others related to them, going as far as punishing the press that was denouncing them to public opinion.

It is no coincidence wither that in 2015 the local “system” went as far as threatening openly the new, energetic Prosecutor of the Republic, Mr. Carlo Mastelloni, and we were the only ones to stand in his defense, publishing two analyses titled «Trieste: the “system” of corruption attacks Chief Prosecutor Mastelloni» (LINK) and «Trieste: the “system” of corruption threatens Chief Prosecutor Mastelloni»(LINK).

The most interesting explanation is the one we received from high-ranking State investigators who observe also our work. They say our investigative reports about crime in Trieste have one only flaw: the crimes we denounce are «only the tip of the iceberg».

Furthermore, it doesn’t seem negligible that certain of the local public servants and officers involved in the aforementioned unpunished breaches of law are the same who engaged in commercial and port agreements with the regimes of Iran (2016) of Venezuela (2018) and of Communist China (2019).

The cases’ other particular aspect is that the abuses of Mayor Dipiazza’s Municipal administration on the assets of the so-called “old port” and at the expense of all are public; however, the only one to oppose them with effective acts is the I.P.R. F.T.T., because it appears that no other authority or organization has the freedom, capability, or the courage to do so.

And maybe it is time for the people of Trieste to see it.


Author of the English version: Silvia Verdoljak.

La Voce di Trieste © 28 Febbraio 2023

Trieste’s taxation rights and Free Port: impugned the “political” judgment of the Court of Cassation in Rome

Trieste-Rome, 29 October 2022 – The International Provisional Representative of the Free Territory of Trieste I.P.R F.T.T. has presented its appeal for annulment against judgment No. 8600/2022, with which last March the Italian Court of Cassation refused to review the Treaties and laws in force, which establish the Italian Republic’s and the Italian Government’s obligations towards the present-day Free Territory of Trieste, including the rights of all other States over its international Free Port.

Furthermore, in that decision, the Italian Court of Cassation attempts to endorse certain well-known political claims according to which the Free Territory of Trieste “does not exist and never existed”.

However, such political claims are manifestly false, and if they were true, they would also imply the international Free Port’s nonexistence, because it is legally established since 1947 as a State corporation of the Free Territory of Trieste.

The writ of summon for annulment, dated 15 September 2022 and lodged before the Italian Court of Cassation under RG No. 23050/22, is published here (in English and in Italian) and does also reserve further action before the competent international and European courts.

Indeed, the impugned decision is abnormal, because domestic judges, as well as all of the Italian State’s public officers, are constitutionally bound to know and enforce, as part of their duties, also the domestic laws enforcing their State’s international obligations, however, they have no authority to violate, annul, or amend them.

This does also mean that, regardless of the judgment’s nature or instance, an Italian Court’s refusal to review and to enforce the aforementioned international obligations has no effect on them, and does not justify further violations committed by other Italian judges or Italian public officers.

Furthermore, any Italian court refusing, on political grounds, to review and enforce legislation in force would also violate its Constitutional obligations of fairness and independence, consequently denying the appellants the universal and fundamental human right to a fair trial before an independent and impartial tribunal.

For all those reasons, the I.P.R. F.T.T. considers the impugned decision «a political judgment that goes against the law, as well as subversive of legality and of the international legal order established by the port-WWII Treaties of Peace, which recognize the present-dayFree Territory of Trieste as an independent and neutral European sovereign State, with an international Free Port open to the ships and freight of all States, without discrimination».

The present-day Free Territory of Trieste borders with Italy and with Slovenia, and since 1954 its temporary civil administration is sub-entrusted to the Italian Government under a special trusteeship mandate by the Governments of the United States of America and of the United Kingdom as its primary administering Governments on behalf of the UN Security Council.

The subject is ruled by a coherent, univocal body of laws (LINK) and it is not an internal matter of the Italian State, because it regards another, recognized sovereign State, as well as its rights and roles within the international law, and the deriving rights of all States.

In particular, the correct administration of both the present-day Free Territory of Trieste and of its international Free Port has an increasing strategic relevance in the consolidation of the European Three Seas region (Baltic-Adriatic-Black Sea) and for the Western Balkan’s own stabilization, both of which are fundamental condition for Euro-Atlantic balances within the global strategic context.

This is why, since as early as 2017, the I.P.R. F.T.T. opened a complex legal battle summoning before Court the Italian Government to have it comply with its mandate’s obligation in regards to Trieste’s taxation regime (LINK) the Italian Value Added Tax – IVA’s collection (LINK), and the international Free Port’s management (LINK)

The third lawsuit is the most embarrassing for Italian Courts, because it accuses the Italian Government of port frauds and illegitimate agreements with Communist China, as well as because denying the Free Territory’s legal action would also mean denying the legitimacy of the international Free Port’s regime and, by extension, the rights of all States and their enterprises over it, including Italy’s.

So far, more than 1600 citizens, organizations, and enterprises from Trieste and from other States have joined the three legal actions to support the I.P.R. F.T.T.

Adhesions to the lawsuit regarding the international Free Port’s management remain open until Tuesday, November 29th, at the Free Trieste Movement’s office in Piazza della Borsa 7: LINK.


English version by Silvia Verdoljak

La Voce di Trieste

29th October 2022

Free Trieste has joined the civil lawsuit for the international Free Port and is organizing further interventions of citizens and enterprises

Source: Free Trieste Movement – Official Website

The Free Trieste Movement has officially joined civil lawsuit No. 5209/2019 RG, registered at the Court of Trieste on 6 December 2019 by the International Provisional Representative of the Free Territory of Trieste – I.P.R. F.T.T. which has summoned before Court the Italian Government, some of its Ministries and bodies, including the Port Authority, and the Municipality of Trieste for breaches of the legal and fiscal status of the international Free Port of Trieste (LINK).

This lawsuit is the most tangible and effective instrument to obtain the respect of the rights of Trieste, of all other States, and of their enterprises over the international Free Port, which exists since 1947 as a State corporation of the present-day Free Territory of Trieste, sub-entrusted to the temporary civil administration of the Italian Government by the Governments of the United States and of the United Kingdom for their role of primary administering authorities on behalf of the UN.

This initiative has already attracted more than 100 intervention, and all citizens and enterprises can join the lawsuit by scheduling an appointment with the Office of the Free Trieste Movement by email (LINK) or by phone at 040/2470772 – cell. 333/3337776 during the usual office hours

Taxes and international Free Port of Trieste: why victory is near

Analysis by Paolo G. Parovel

Trieste, 29 June 2021 – The first of the three civil lawsuits initiated by the I.P.R. F.T.T. – International Provisional Representative of the Free Territory of Trieste versus the Italian Government for the demonstration of the taxation rights of Trieste and of its international Free Port has reached the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation.

Taxes and international Free Port of Trieste: why victory is near weiterlesen

Das Movimento Trieste Libera – Bewegung Freies Triest unterstützen

The Free Trieste Movement in the biggest political organization in Trieste, and the only one that works tirelessly since 2011 for the full activation of all civil and economic rights of the Free Territory of Trieste and of its international Free Port, of its citizens, and of its enterprises, as well as to put an end to the serious judicial and fiscal violations of the Italian Government, which is still sub-entrusted with its temporary civil administration.

The work of Free Trieste does efficaciously develop on the local level, but also in respect of provisional Italian authorities and on the international level, with an intense elaboration of legal instruments, suitable acts, public actions and demonstration  both concrete and very symbolic, all promoted both in Trieste and abroad through conventional media and especially on line, receiving back many contacts and interest, constantly increasing.

The Movement is exclusively active  thanks to volunteers whee work without pay, asking to everyone to help as they can, because that is always useful, and according to their time and economic resources.

Those who cannot directly partecipate can also help by sharing information in their environment, or with economic helps to cover the administrative costs of the organization.

Each donation to the Free Trieste Movement makes a differnece and is greatly appreciated: donations can be either given to the secretary office (in Piazza della Borsa 7, Trieste), sent via bank transfer (IT94F0306909606100000075057, BIC/SWIFT: BCITITMM929), or with Paypal, using the following button:


As you can see from the material published on this website, only Free Trieste defends tenaciously and seriously, with competence and efficacy, the true rights of employment, welfare, dignity and freedom of the citizens, of the enterprises and of the State of the Free Territory of Trieste!


Trieste taxation lawsuit: appeal before the Court of Cassation

Trieste, 23 June 2020. – The Trieste Court of Appeal lodged its decision in civil lawsuit RG 139/2019, with which the International Provisional Representative of the Free Territory of Trieste – I.P.R. F.T.T. and 599 natural and legal persons, including businesses, request the demonstration of the general system of taxation that is to be enforced in Trieste. The information comes from the I.P.R. F.T.T. with the announcement of an immediate impugnation of the judgment before the Italian Court of Cassation Trieste taxation lawsuit: appeal before the Court of Cassation weiterlesen