The electoral campaign is booming in the Free Territory of Trieste. However, this is not a legitimate election, rather, it is one of those Italy imposes by force to occupied Trieste, in an attempt to impose its own sovereignty over it.
Obviously, it is all in breach of international law, since the 1947 Treaty of Peace with Italy recognises the full independence of the Free Territory of Trieste from Italy itself.
The fact that Italy, a State facing recession in both politics and democracy fears the obstacle of election in Trieste is clear: if the citizens of the Free Territory refuse to be part of Italian local elections by declaring their legitimate citizenship, Italy is sent back home without possibility of appeal and 70 years of lies are swept away instantly.
This is why now it is time to fight to affirm our rights. It is not about making a revolution, it is all about law enforcement: Trieste is already free. Now it is time for its citizens to become free and to act like a folk.
Translated from blog “Ambiente e Legalità” – “Environment and Legality” by Roberto Giurastante